
Bed Bath and Beyond - Clearance Gold Digging

There are few things that get me more excited than taking an extra 10 minutes to dig through the clearance items only to find a true gem at an exceptional price! Of the many places I have shopped lately in my quest to build the most adorable/homey condo on a smart budget, Bed Bath and Beyond absolutely takes the cake when it comes to clearance items.  A few reasons why...

It's Deal Time!

Life is short.  Time is precious.  Money really does make the world go around.  It also makes a home, builds a future, secures today, and helps us enjoy tomorrow.  Classy Not Pricey has one main purpose - to reveal the incredible ways you can make the most of every penny, point, and program to live your life in style and with financial savvy.  We're excited to share our tips and tricks with you, and hear what works for you and your family!  Here's to progressing your Classy (Not Pricey!) lifestyle. Google