
Showing posts with the label H and R Block

Taxes - How to Maximize Your Tax Return

Taxes.  Stick with me here... I know that's the biggest turnoff word anytime of day.  BUT, taxes and the processes of filing them each month can actually be a great time of hitting the refresh button and potentially getting back some of your well earned money!  I will keep this article short and sweet (but full of resources) with some tips for making the most of tax season. Do you do your taxes yourself or work with a tax professional? This year is the first year I've enlisted the help of a tax professional.  Previously I did my own taxes for years using .     It's great!  I saved myself a lot of money, learned a good amount about taxes, saved time in back and forth with a tax pro, and every year TurboTax pre populates some of the minutiae based on my last return.  There's also no cost to try it out if you want to see how it works - you pay when you file.  H&R Block has also come into the onli...